I am excited to have passed the 2023 DASH/DEFRA training, giving me full accreditation (it was hard).

Two days were spent at the York Bio Labs, a mix of classroom training and practical workshops.
The senior national bee regional inspectors covered the training as well as talks from the head lab staff based at the campus, covering genetics and testing of various diseases.
These covered written and physical tests (timed), which were not easy. The written exam was fairly straightforward, with a mix of general questions dipping into deeper knowledge around diseases. After that, we were presented with a table of image prints and then asked to identify various issues (these were taken from frames in different states). The final exam involved looking at real frames taken from diseased hives (sent into the labs for testing). This was grim stuff (dressed in full PPE and timed). I found this to be the most difficult part of the overall experience. There's little room for error here: you need to pass at A-grade % to become part of the DASH team, or you're kicked out and can't try again for a few years (if ever).

As well as the testing, you were taken out to the lab's extensive apiary site for a chat and invited to handle their hives or bees. You were also grilled on XYZ, and this felt like more testing and being weighed up by the team; it was clear who they were unsure of.

Overall, it was a real honour and pleasure to be invited and offered the chance to test my skills at such an awesome location with such a knowledgeable team. Passing was the icing on the cake.
DASH is jointly run by the BFA and NBU with DEFRA/FERA, recognised within the DEFRA Farming Regulation framework.
